Strategic management in education – challenges and methods

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 3


The paper discusses challenges facing local governments with regards to strategic management of education. The goal of the paper was to present the specifics of the education sector and to consider whether strategic management is possible and necessary. The elaboration has been based on the literature, but also reflects on the results of the research carried out by the Centre for Education Development in Polish local government units, regarding education strategy practices. The main obstacles hampering local governments’ long term perspective on education strategy have been identified as: financial limitations, lack of competition and politics. Also some errors and omissions of the local institutions when it comes to creating education strategy have been named. Some of the most important ones are: lack of clear vision, when the authorities concentrate too much on the short term, urgent matters and the lack of a systemic view of the future of education. Difficulties in prioritising – when local governments tend to set multiple goals and find it difficult to give up on some directions and hence are not using the resources effectively. The lack of strategy or a strategy that is not being implemented, as it was created only to fulfil some external requirement. And last but not least – strategy that is not up to date, a strategy that was created some years ago with a big effort, but despite changing conditions – it never got updated, corrected or adjusted and hence is not adequate to the current situation.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Witek-Crabb


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How To Cite

Anna Witek-Crabb (2012). Strategic management in education – challenges and methods. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 11(3), 231-238.