Strategiczny wymiar rywalizacji polityczno-gospodarczej między Unią Europejską a Chinami na obszarze Bliskiego Wschodu w XXI w.
Journal Title: Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 1
Middle East is a natural area of interest, rivalry and cooperation of the most important international players, due to its strategic location at the borders of three continents as well as sources of energy it owns. China’s policy in Middle East has been widely analysed in the recent years and literature of this subject gains newer and newer titles. Context of rivalry in the area relates to U.S. in the majority of studies, especially if comes to period of post-Arab Spring, when internal changes in the region are accompanied with diversification of particular countries’ foreign policy, in favour of closer cooperation with BRICS countries. Position of the EU, the closest neighbour of the Arab World, also changes. Europe loses in this region not only if comes to economy but politics as well. Arab countries noticably increase their interest not only in economic cooperation with China, but also Chinese way of development. The aim of the article is to present and evaluate actions of the EU and China in Middle East region within recent years. It is hypotesized that China’s increasing engagement in cooperation with Middle East countries inevitably leads to political and economical rivalry with the EU, especially if comes to Arabic part of Mediterranean Sea, which is the area where strategic interest of Europe is the most strongly articulated.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Diawoł-Sitko
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