Strength and Durability Study on Recycled Aggregate Concrete Using Glass Powder
Waste glass powder was used as secondary cementitious material towards production of recycled aggregate concrete with improved strength and durability attributes. Experimental investigation of using waste glass powder, as partial replacement for cement, to overcome the drawbacks of recycled aggregate and the resulting concrete showed that waste glass, when milled to micro-scale particle size, is estimated to undergo pozzolanic reactions with cement hydrates, forming secondary calcium silicate hydrate (C–S–H)[1]. These reactions bring about favorable changes in the structure of the hydrated cement paste and the interfacial transition zones in recycled aggregate concrete. Use of milled waste glass, as partial replacement of cement, is estimated to produce significant gains in strength and durability of recycled aggregate concrete. This paper has also attempted to provide concise information of strength of concrete containing waste glass powder and recycled aggregate when subjected to sulphate attack.
Authors and Affiliations
Priscilla M , Asst Prof. Pushparaj A Naik
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