Strength Performance of High Strength Concrete Using Slag Sand and Quarry Sand


Cement is the basic material required for any construction. It acts as a binding agent in concrete. It is the second most consumed product in the world and India is 2nd largest consumer of cement after china. But nowadays Cement industries produce about 10% of the world’s carbon dioxide which affects the environment and cause imbalance in the ecosystem. In India, the sudden boom in infrastructure has made Indians the largest consumers of materials required for the construction. Usage of these materials have created huge amounts of pollution, wastes etc In this present study slag sand and quarry sand are used as replacement for natural sand along side with microsilica and flyash as a partial replacement for cement, since the outcome of slag behavior is unknown with the materials used, hence slag sand ratio is replaced ranging from 10% uptil 60% with quarry sand along with 6% and 12% addition of microsilica to the weight of cement and flyash percentage is freeze to 20% for the complete investigation. The main objective was to find the optimum mix proportion that gives higher strength alongside economizing the consumption of materials to reduce cost. From the test results conducted in under strength criteria, it is clear that slag sand can be used for construction with different addition of admixtures that aid in achieving high strength concrete in mass construction.

Authors and Affiliations

Kalyan B. N. , Sridhar R, Shivraj M. Kalhal


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Kalyan B. N. , Sridhar R, Shivraj M. Kalhal (2016). Strength Performance of High Strength Concrete Using Slag Sand and Quarry Sand. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 4(9), -.