Strengthening employee motivation and loyalty through competency management

Journal Title: Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos - Year 2013, Vol 31, Issue 3


With the aim to evaluate the tendencies of possibilities of employees to develop through the expansion of their work competency in Lithuanian organizations, by means of a survey conducted from 2009 to 2013, opinions of 897 respondents, representing the public sector, academic community and business, were collected. The respondents were presented with a questionnaire containing blocks of questions reflecting the employees’ position on the possibilities to develop, their motivational needs, the manager’s efforts to develop employees, and the respondents’ opinion on the spheres to be developed with the aim to improve human resource management. The obtained results clearly show that almost two thirds of the respondents are basically motivated by their development when seeking higher competency, constant development of new needs, the possibilities to express their abilities, and by how managers evaluate their performance. This situation definitely has a negative impact on the employee motivation and does not create a long-term commitment, because the complicated process of joining the activity of the institution, unsatisfied need to develop, and little possibilities to express oneself, force the employee to change the workplace. This article draws the conclusions that in Lithuania the scientific conception of the competency management (model) is not yet clear and only several fragmentary researches have been conducted, thus taking into consideration the good practice of foreign countries and the flaws in human resource management in Lithuanian organizations, it is strongly advised to consistently apply competency management (model) in the organizational practice. Keywords: human resource management, competence, competency model, employee motivation, loyalty.

Authors and Affiliations

Vladimiras Gražulis , Elžbieta Markuckienė


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How To Cite

Vladimiras Gražulis, Elžbieta Markuckienė (2013). Strengthening employee motivation and loyalty through competency management. Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos, 31(3), 142-151.