Strengthening Inter-sectoral Co-operation for Improved Women’s Health and Nutrition in Rural India
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 10
To study the impact of strengthening of inter-sectoral co-operation on health and nutrition of rural community. Under strong political leadership, co operation between multiple interlinked sectors like health, education, agriculture, communication and broadcasting, women and child welfare was strengthened for improving health and nutrition of women and children from rural community. One thousand women of reproductive age, from five villages were targeted to implement health and nutrition education intervention programme, using participatory community radio and intense IEC activities as primary medium of change with the technical support of multiple sectors concerned with maternal health and nutrition. A feed-forward (baseline)survey was conducted using pretested and validated questionnaire to gain an insight into the socio-economic and demographic profile of the community, media practices with special references to radio, and women’s and children’s health concerns and issues. Three capacity building workshops were conducted for the radio programme production teams and master trainers, who later on produced the participatory radio programmes, using various formats with the central theme of “Science for Women”. Educational interventions in the form of 365 live in radio programmes on topics of women’s health and nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, healthy environment were prepared and broadcasted from the Community Radio Station(CRS), one each daily. Twenty five village level food and nutrition exhibitions, recipe competitions and diagnostic health camps were organized. Programme resulted in strengthening of inter-sectoral co-operation among various departments like health, women and child welfare, communication and broadcasting, agriculture and education. Programme implementation resulted in empowerment and capacity building of community radio station staff and a team of community volunteers at science centre for agriculture, in producing radio contents for the Science for “Women’s Health and Nutrition”. There was capacity building of more than one thousand women as “Change Agents” for the local community. Endline evaluation revealed overall 42% improvement in the knowledge, practices and attitude level of women on health issues, health care seeking behaviour and dietary practices. Twenty new women self help groups (SHG) were formed, which helped in women’s social and economic empowerment. Coming together and working together resulted in boosting up of their moral and sharing up of their domestic problems related to health, nutrition and domestic violence and gender related issues. Strengthening inter-sectoral co-ordination between health and allied departments under strong political leadership resulted in significant change in knowledge and practices of rural community about their health and nutrition.
Authors and Affiliations
Vidyadhar Bangal, Ruchita Wajpai
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