The Article presents two practical-theoretical attempts (by one Maurizzio Lazzarato the
other by Antoinette Rouvroy) to apply and expand upon the foucauldian analysis of the
actual. Both approaches exhibit the possible u...
In Anna Barcz’s article “Bullfighting in Sienkiewicz’s eyes,” the narrative adopts the perspective of critical reflection on the relationship between humans and animals to analyze bullfights in Spain. Despite the genesis...
In 2011 in Egypt and in 2014 in Ukraine, ultras became a fundamental part of the protestthat lead to the change of the government. In Germany, protest of the ultras also becamea public topic at the end of 2012. They rebe...
Po I wojnie światowej część Górnego Śląska została włączona do Polski. Nowe władze administracyjne przyjęły politykę, której celem było wzniecenie poczucia przynależności narodowej. W tym celu realizowano szereg działań...
EP ID EP52963
Views 80
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How To Cite
Grzegorz Kapuściński, Anna Kłonkowska (2014). Strony redakcyjne. Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica, 15(1),
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Governmentality and what next? Beyond governmentality? An essay on two conceptual attempts to characterize neoliberalism
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BETWEEN A HUMAN AND A BEAST: Bullfighting in Sienkiewicz’s eyes
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