Structural adjustment of the national economy in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution
Journal Title: Формування ринкових відносин в Україні. Збірник наукових праць - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1
In the conditions of the cyclicality of economic transformations in Ukraine, it is urgently necessary to analyze the opportunities and threats of the development of the national economy and elaborate the strategies and plans for the structural adjustment of the national economy in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution, which substantially actualizes the research of the chosen topic. The aim of the research of this scientific article is to analyze the possibilities of structural adjustment of the national economy in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution. The article presents the assumptions for the occurance and development of the fourth industrial revolution for the subsequent years. The features of the fourth industrial revolution and the main factors determining the structural adjustment of the economy have been described, namely: new technological changes, discoveries and accelerated development of STP, globalization of the world economic system, significant increase in labor productivity and the release of labor force; change of mechanisms of state regulation and expansion of mechanisms of self-regulation. The tendencies and peculiarities of the development of the national economy during the last years have been analyzed and revealed, namely: increasing the influence of cyclicality, global crisis phenomena and internal reforms and transformations on conveyer of boom of economic growth in Ukraine; changes in the structure of consumption and accumulation in the national economy; changes in the sectoral and technological structure of the national economy; the decrease in the volume of capital investments in the field of long-term pay back period; high level of "shadow economy"; growth of dynamism of capital movements outside Ukraine; insufficient level of innovation; shortage of labor resources. The key opportunities and threats for the development of the national economy in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution have been presented. The main trends in the management of the fourth industrial revolution, according to which it is necessary to modernize the national economy, have been highlighted: the active introduction of digital technologies, the creation of surplus value through digital technology; the need for significant automation and innovation of production processes for increasing of productivity; adaptation of production structures to the needs of the consumer audience; creation of system platforms for production management and large organizational structures; restructuring of the economy with the active development of high-tech digital industries. The strategies of economic development in the future have been proposed, namely: the strategy of gradual adaptation to new economic conditions with the stimulation of the development of information technologies and stimulation of innovations and knowledge economy development; the strategy of total advance, which in our opinion, can not be carried out instantly, and the implementation of this strategy is less realistic. The mechanism of transition of Ukraine to the path of rapid development on the basis of innovations during the fourth wave of the industrial revolution has been proposed. The key opportunities and threats for the development of the national economy in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution have been determined. The strategies of economic development in the future and the mechanism of Ukraine’s transition to the path of forward-looking development on the basis of innovations during the fourth wave of the industrial revolution have been proposed. Formed the directions for achieving of advanced development include: stimulating of high-tech production; large-scale implementation of e-government; introduction of smart city technology; stimulating of IT sector development and investment in innovations; stimulating of scientific research development.
Authors and Affiliations
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