Struktura działań taktycznych
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2009, Vol 2009, Issue 2
Dynamically changing reality requires reconsidering the problem of tactical operations’ structure. Therefore, the article suggests and justifies some solutions not resulting from the fact that the present division has been wrong but that the reality (situation) has changed so much that it requires a different approach to the problem. As a starting point while classifying forces’ operations, there are assumed stages in which a state may function which include before the conflict stage, conflict and post-conflict phase. Thus it seems justified to introduce such notions as peace support operations, combat operations and stabilization operations which are characterized by, among others, the necessity to combine and choose selectively these kind of operations which will be effective in a given situation. However, it is difficult to close the set which is called tactical operations. This difficulty involves mainly its complexity. In peace support operations the opposing forces and the enemy in combat are clearly defined, whereas how to name situations when the enemy (opponent) is not clearly defined, not uniformed, who looks as any other citizen of the country with only one difference that an explosive device is attached under his clothes. New rules and regulations of land forces operations have been binding since January 2009. Apart from numerous changes in the tactical operations area published in this document, a new tactical operations’ structure is introduced. Analysing the provisions of the new regulations, some issues are disputable. Symmetric operations are treated slightly differently there as they are defined as “primary operations”. Moreover, intermediate stages are differentiated within complementary combat operations.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Kubiński
Teoretyczno-prawne uwarunkowania kompetencji dyscyplinarnych przełożonego w Siłach Zbrojnych RP.
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