Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 18
У пропонованій статті розглядаються структурні й ідіоетнічні особливості одиниць фразеосемантичного мікрополя «Тривога / Хвилювання» у сучасних перській і українській мовах. Особлива увага приділяється тим явищам і фактам, які становлять специфіку перських і українських емотивних фразеологічних одиниць. The proposed article is devoted to the research of phraseological units, «anxiety» and «excitement» in the Persian and Ukrainian languages. This microfield comprises the largest quantity of phraseological units in the Persian language (304 units), and in the Ukrainian language (364 units). The phraseological units which denote human emotions comprise numerous, often used and typical for the Persian and Ukrainian languages, a group of set expressions, which are characterized by a developed system of meanings, images and means of expression. In Ukrainian and Iranian linguistics, the study of vocabulary on the designation of the emotional sphere of man is relatively underexplored. The phrase-semantic microfield «Anxiety / Excitement» is characterized by its independent structure. It has a core, represented by a phraseological unit, archiesthetic for emotion of anxiety / excitement, centre and periphery, which include phraseological units with additional differential semes. The allocation of units of the field from the centre to the periphery is stipulated by the intensity of the emotion to be indicated. Phraseological units that don’t specify the intensity of the state are located in the central part of the microfield. As the intensity of emotion intensifies, phraseological units are located in the near and far peripheral zones. The periphery of microfields has a heterogeneous structure. The actual material collected by us during the study of «Anxiety / Excitement» microfield indicates that the far periphery of phraseological and semantic field «Human Emotions Heart / Soul» intersects with the peripheral zones of other phraseological and semantic fields such as «The Character of Man». The main element of most emotional phraseological units in the Persian and Ukrainian language is the human heart / soul. Pain sensations, internal experiences of a person located in the heart, lie in the figurative basis of the phraseological units. The presence in the phraseological funds of the Persian and Ukrainian languages of emotional phraseological units, appearing as nationally marked units, is explained by the individuality of historical experience, the identity of culture, the peculiarities of the mental composition of such diverse and distant people as Persian and Ukrainian. However, the national identity of the analysed phraseological units testifies not about the different perception of reality by different ethnic groups, but only about the various possibilities of its figurative comprehension and reproduction of means of language.
Authors and Affiliations
Maryna Okhrimenko
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