Student evaluations of teacher effectiveness
Journal Title: İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Ekonometri ve İstatistik e-Dergisi - Year 2005, Vol 1, Issue 1
Student evaluations of teacher effectiveness are actually a result of the students' perceptions about teacher's general behavior in the class. The purpose of this study is to determine the number and nature of factors which account for student perceptions of university teacher effectiveness. The sample used consists of the responses of 193 undergraduate students to the "Teacher Evaluation Questionnaire" at the Economy Faculty during the 2003-2004 Academic Year. The 18 questions of the questionnaire were measured on a scale from 1 through 5. A factor analysis technique was performed on the survey questions which measured the students'evaluations of the effectiveness of university teacher. In the first part of application of factor analysis, 5 factors were identified as having eigenvalues greater than or equal to one. In the second part, 11 questions related with the university teacher were analyzed and 2 factors were obtained. The result of this study should help educators to recognize the student perceptions to teachers.
Authors and Affiliations
Muruvvet Pamuk
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