Student government in higher educational institutions of Ukraine (2002-2014): modern native historiography

Journal Title: Eminak - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1


Considerable research interest in the development of student government in higher education of Ukraine XXI century called reform of higher education, its entry into the European educational space. The adoption of the laws «On Higher Education» (2002, 2014) significantly expanded the rights of the student government, which allowed students to actively participate in the management of higher education institution. The history of student government in the 2002-2014 has a significant amount of unexplored topics. Therefore, the urgency of the need caused historiographical analysis of current publications and release promising areas for further research. The problem of student government in higher education in Ukraine in 2002-2014 was the subject of many studies of Ukrainian scientists as O.A. Andryushkova, O.F. Kayumov, O. Keane, J.P. Kraschenko, A. Kuzminsky, N.Y. Liznova, V.P. Moroz, K.L. Potopa, O. V. Svyetlykova, G.G. Sichkarenko, L.V. Slinchenko, O.J. Tereshchenkova, V.I. Ternopilska, K.G. Trybulkevych, S. Hakimova, O.S. Kharchenko, L.O. Shein, O. Shpakivska. Consequently, the analysis of contemporary literature on the issue of student government in higher education in Ukraine 2002-2014 should emphasize the modern scientist’s coverage of certain aspects of its operations in dissertations, monographs and articles. A more comprehensive analysis of the development of student government in the 2002-2014 of monographs C.G. Trybulkevych, which disclosed the student government experience in restructuring higher education in Ukraine. Prospects of further scientific studies will be in research of student government policies, implementation of the principles of student government in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Berezanska


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How To Cite

Iryna Berezanska (2017). Student government in higher educational institutions of Ukraine (2002-2014): modern native historiography. Eminak, 3(1), 76-81.