Studia doktoranckie w Akademii Obrony Narodowej w świetle obowiązujących uwarunkowań prawnych i strategii bolońskiej
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2010, Vol 2010, Issue 1
The article presents the basic assumptions of doctoral studies conducted currently at National Defence University (AON). The increase of curriculum requirements is stressed, which results from the accepted Bologna strategy assumptions and contemporary level of civilisation development. Firstly, the author refers to the formal conditions of organising and conducting doctoral studies. On this basis, he points at certain discovered discrepancies between the course of study and the procedure of launching and granting the Doctor's degree. In this area there are many doubts concerning completing the studies without receiving the Doctor's diploma. As far as the issue of the effectiveness of the studies is concerned, the author stresses the importance of the right recruitment, the role of a supervisor and systematic progress assessment in the course of studies. Finally, the requirements for doctoral studies are defined and the necessity to evaluate the final results of studies is underlined. The author has been in charge of doctoral studies at National Defence University for several years.
Authors and Affiliations
Czesław Jarecki
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