Studies on the Microbial burden of Palm wine sold and consumed in Emohua local government area, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Journal Title: Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries - Year 2017, Vol 18, Issue 10
T he study was conducted to analyze and identify the microbes in Palm wine as a pre - requisite to attempts at increasing the shelf life of Palm wine. The Palm wine was collected from three (3) different Locations in Emohua Local Government Area namely; Rumuji, Ovogo and Ibaa, which are the areas in which Palm wine is produced and consumed most. An aliquot (0.1ml) of diluted Palmwine from the 3 locations were ino culated on surface dried Nutrient agar, Mcconkey agar and Sabouraud agar plates incubated at room temperature and 37 0 C under aerobic and anaerobic conditions yielding bacteria and fungi isolates. Physical and biochemical properties were used to identify t he isolates. The organism isolated were Saccharomyces cerevisae, Bacillus subtilis, Corynebacterium specie, Lactobacillus delhrueckii and Micrococcus varians . The organisms were present in all the Palm wine studied regardless of the sources and dates of c ollection. In Rumuji, a total of 143.32 x 10 - 6 colony forming units/ml (cfu/ml) were counted, Ovogo had 56.12 x 10 - 6 Cfu/ml and Ibaa 59.29 x 10 - 6 Cfu/ml were identified given an overall microbial burden of 258.73 x 10 - 6 Cfu/ml. There was no significant gro wth in bacterial count and decrease in yeast count with increasing distance from the location of the study. There was a steady decrease in the viable count of Microbes with age of the Palm wine (P > 0.05). The study hereby suggests the need to study the po ssibility of aseptic tapping and the blocking of the glycolytic pathway as a means of prolonging the Shelf life of Palm wine.
Authors and Affiliations
Mbata Christian A
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