Study and Analysis of Delay Sensitive and Energy Efficient Routing Approach


Wireless Sensing Networks (WSNs) comprised of significant numbers of miniatures and reasonable sensor nodes, which sense data from surrounding and forwarded data toward the base station (BS) via multi-hop fashion through cluster head node (CHN). The random selection of CHN in WSNs is fully based on the nodes residing energy. The node residing energy and network sustainability is hot research issues of the day in WSNs. There are many deficiencies in less energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) RP due to the rapid energy usage of ordinary and CHN because of direct communication to the base station. The rapid draining of node energy produces huge numbers of hole in the network causing retransmission of data packet, route update cost, and E2E delay. In this paper, the proposed Delay Sensitive and Energy Efficient (DSEE) Routing Protocol (RP) select CHN considering distance difference and amount of remaining energy of neighboring nodes. In this proposed approach, data fusion technology (DFT) was implemented to solve the problem of data redundancy, but it does not design a specific data fusion algorithm. At last, simulation experiments proved the superiority of the improved protocol LEACH-DSEE and finally, we compare this improved routing protocol with existing protocols by consideration metrics such as node death ratio, data packet delivery ration and node energy consumption.

Authors and Affiliations

Babar Ali, Tariq Mahmood, Muhammad Ayzed Mirza, Saleemullah Memon, Muhammad Rashid, Ekang Francis Ajebesone


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  • EP ID EP626526
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100803
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How To Cite

Babar Ali, Tariq Mahmood, Muhammad Ayzed Mirza, Saleemullah Memon, Muhammad Rashid, Ekang Francis Ajebesone (2019). Study and Analysis of Delay Sensitive and Energy Efficient Routing Approach. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 10(8), 14-20.