Study of Incidence And Risk Factors of Chalazion in Bundelkhand Region

Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 5


This study was conducted to evaluate the incidence and risk factors of chalazion in bundelkhand region. This is retrospective study doneFrom SEPTEMBER 2014 to DECEMBER 2016. 30,720 patients visited our opd in this duration out of which 75pts were diagnosed as chalazion and included in the study. The overall incidence of chalazion is found to be 0.24% among the patients visiting eye opd MLB Medical College Jhansi.Out of 75 pts 24(32%) were male and 51(68%) were female. Among 24 males 16(66%) were 30 yrs or less of age and 8(34%) were more than 30 yrs of age. Among 51 females 40(78%) were 30 yrs or less of age and 11(21%) were more than 30 yrs of age. Out of 24 male 18(75%) had chalazion in upper eye lid and 6(25%) had in lower eye lid. Out of 51 females 41(80%) had chalazion in upper eye lid and 10(20%) had in lower eye lid. So incidence of chalazion seen more in upper eye lid(i.e. 77.5%).Poor lidhyagine, chronic blepharitis, rosacea,seborrheic dermatitis, high blood lipid concentration and eyelid trauma were found to be significant risk factors. The maximum incidence was seen in females(68%). As with age maximum incidence was found in age equal to or less than 30 years. Involvement of upperlid is found more than lower lid. Poor lid hygiene is found most common risk factor for development of chalazion.

Authors and Affiliations

Jitendra Kumar, Arun Kumar Pathak, Amit Verma, Shweta Dwivedi


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  • EP ID EP597643
  • DOI 10.9790/0853-1605080508.
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How To Cite

Jitendra Kumar, Arun Kumar Pathak, Amit Verma, Shweta Dwivedi (2017). Study of Incidence And Risk Factors of Chalazion in Bundelkhand Region. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 16(5), 5-8.