Study of incidence of oligohydramnios during pregnancy at IIMSR Medical College, Warudi, Jalna
Journal Title: Medpulse International Journal of Gynaecology - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 3
Background: Women with oligohydramnios are more likely to have increased incidence of fetal distress and thus an increased incidence of caesarean sections. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of oligohydramnios during pregnancy at IIMSR Medical College, Warudi, Jalna. Material and Methods: In this retrospective hospital based study, a total of 120 pregnant women were studied for the incidence of oligohydramnios. Findings were analyzed with the special emphasis on demographic characteristics of the patient and maternal and perinatal outcome. Results: The mean maternal age was 23.56±4.34 years. Most of the women 74 (61.6%) with oligohydramnios were in the age group of 20-29 years. 58 (48.3%) women were primigravidas. The mean gestational age was 36.64±4.16 weeks.48 (40%) had vaginal delivery and 66 (60%) had instrumental or operative delivery. Conclusion: Oligohydramnios in the absence of any other maternal or fetal complicating factor is found to increase the operative intervention. Oligohydramnios is frequent occurrence and requires intensive fetal surveillance and proper antepartum andintrapartum care
Authors and Affiliations
Swati N Nagapurkar, Bhagyashri Ranjwan
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