Study of Maternal mortality in a tertiary care center

Journal Title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 10


Introduction: Maternal Mortality is a result of a complex interaction between medical, cultural, literacy, socio economic factors and the prevailing health care infrastructure in the community. Hence MMR varies from country to country, States to state and primary health care center to tertiary care center. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad from 01 Jan 2007-31 Dec 2009. All maternal deaths during this period were statistically analyzed. Results: Maternal Mortality Ratio in Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad was 194/100000 live births. Most of the dying mothers were in the age group 20-29 years within education upto illiteracy. Poor socio-economic status contributed 70.14% of maternal mortality. Most of the patients belongs to rural area. Hemorrhage in the leading cause deaths in 35.82% patients. 46.26% patients had underlying anemia associated with or without other complications as contributory cause of maternal mortality. Conclusion: Shortcomings of health care system should be met urgently to reduce the maternal mortality ratio with which, we can achieve MMR of 109 by 2015 as per 5th millennium development goal.

Authors and Affiliations

Anjanadevi Santpure, Kanan Yelikar, Sonali Deshpande


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How To Cite

Anjanadevi Santpure, Kanan Yelikar, Sonali Deshpande (2015). Study of Maternal mortality in a tertiary care center. MedPulse -International Medical Journal, 2(10), 672-674.