Study of prevalence of different forms of ichthyosis in Kharkiv region


Ichthyosis is genetically and clinically heterogenic group of epidermis keratinization disorders. Its prevalence is geographically different. Aim. The aim of this research was to evaluate ichthyosis prevalence in Kharkiv region. Methods. The collection of clinical-genealogical history was carried out by the method of single registration of the proband on the basis of the Regional Clinical Dermatological and Venereological Health Center No. 1 and the Dermatovenerological Health Centers of the Kharkiv Region in 2017. Results. The ichthyosis prevalence in Kharkiv region was 2.5·10–4 in 2017. The ichthyosis prevalence varied from 6.7∙10‑5 in Krasnohrad district to 1.0∙10‑3 in Dvorichna district. The least prevalence was in the population of Vovchansk city (1.1∙10‑4) and the highest one was in the population of Dvorichna city (10.7∙10‑4). The differences between the prevalence of ichthyosis vulgaris in Kharkiv region in 2008-2017 were established. Conclusions. It was found that the decrease of ichthyosis prevalence in Kharkiv region was 1.6 times during last 10 years. This index for ichthyosis vulgaris was decreased 1.9 times at the same period. Monogenic dermatoses, as an example of ichthyosis, can be used both to monitor the burden of genetic disorders in the region and to solve the problems of general and personal genetic safety in the population. Keywords: ichthyosis vulgaris, X-linked recessive ichthyosis, prevalence.

Authors and Affiliations

О. М. Федота, Ю. О. Садовниченко, Л. В. Рощенюк, В. М. Воронцов, П. П. Рижко


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How To Cite

О. М. Федота, Ю. О. Садовниченко, Л. В. Рощенюк, В. М. Воронцов, П. П. Рижко (2018). Study of prevalence of different forms of ichthyosis in Kharkiv region. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 244-248.