Study of rabies and development of preparations and methods of its prevention in the Republic of Belarus


Introduction. Rabies is an absolutely deadly acute viral disease that affects a person and all warm-blooded animals, which is common in many countries of the world, including in Belarus. Due to its socio-economic importance, it occupies one of the leading places in infectious pathology, and therefore, an extremely important attention is given to its study, development of prevention and control measures. The goal of the work. Conduct an analysis of existing and determine the prospects for future developments in the field of means and methods of preventing rabies of wild carnivores. Results of research and discussion. The results of studying of rabies in Belarus on the basis of the State Institution “RSPC of Epidemiology and Microbiology” and RUE “Institute of Experimental Veterinary named of S.N. Vyshelessky”. The data of researches in the field of epizootology and epidemiology of rabies in the Republic, pathogenesis and improvement of diagnostics are presented. Particular attention was paid to the development of rabies vaccines and the method of oral vaccination of wild carnivores against rabies. Conclusions and prospects for further research. As a result of conducted researches by the employees of “Institute of Experimental Veterinary named of S.N. Vyshelessky” a liquid culture inactivated rabies vaccine “BELRAB”, the vaccine “Rabirif” for post-exposure prophylaxis of rabies, polyvalent vaccines against rabies, parvovirus enteritis, distemper and infectious hepatitis of carnivores were developed. A highly biologically active vaccine rabies virus (KMIEV-94 strain) was selected, the technologies of its suspension cultivation in BHK-21/13 cell culture and producing of oral vaccine blister packs were developed.

Authors and Affiliations

Yuriy Lomaka, Nikolai Kovalev, D. V. Buchukuri, Dmitry Borisovets, T. A. Zuykevich


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  • EP ID EP410094
  • DOI 10.31073/vet_biotech33-10
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How To Cite

Yuriy Lomaka, Nikolai Kovalev, D. V. Buchukuri, Dmitry Borisovets, T. A. Zuykevich (2018). Study of rabies and development of preparations and methods of its prevention in the Republic of Belarus. Бюлетень "Ветеринарна біотехнологія", 33(), 79-88.