Study of Return on Assets in Indonesia Stock Exchange

Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 3


Abstract:This study aims to determine the effect of debt ratio (DR), current ratio (CR), and working capital turnover (WCT) on return on assets (ROA) at companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange tourism, hotels and restaurants sector period of 2012-2016. Sample selection in this study using purposive sampling method and got 6 companies which are suitable with the criteria. The research data is obtained from Indonesia Stock Exchange. The method used in this research is panel data regression analysis and it is found that the more appropriate model used is random effect. From the result of research got the value of adjusted R-Square equal to 9.13%. It indicated that current ratio variable has significant positive effect on return on assets (ROA) with regression coefficient equal to 0,0286. However, the variable debt ratio (DR) has insignificant negative effect on return on assets (ROA) with the regression coefficient of 0,6852 and working capital turnover (WCT) variable does not positively influence dividend policy with the regression coefficient of 0,6768. Keywords: debt ratio, current ratio, debt ratio, returns on assets, working capital turnover.

Authors and Affiliations

Dewi Nusraningrum, Eka Suwesti


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How To Cite

Dewi Nusraningrum, Eka Suwesti (2018). Study of Return on Assets in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 425-434.