Study of Socio- Clinical Profile and Aetiology of Pleural Effusion
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 7
Introduction: Pleural effusion is an abnormal, collection of fluid in pleural space resulting from excess of fluid production or decreased absorption. Exudates are produced by variety of inflammatory conditions and require more extensive evaluation and treatment than transudates. Laboratory testing (albumin, glucose, pH, LDH, cell counts) helps to reach the aetiology of pleural exudates. Present study was conducted to find out socio-clinical profile of plural effusion and to find out aetiology by using various laboratory tests. Aims and Objectives: To study socio-clinical profile and aetiology of pleural effusion. Material and Methods: Descriptive and Cross sectional study was conducted in Dept. of General Medicine, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune from Sept 2013 to Aug2015.Institute Ethics committee approvals obtained before the start of study. Total 50 cases were collected by convenient sampling method. Age more than 15years were included. Patients on AKT or ART, Age less than 15 years, pregnant women, post traumatic effusion and critically ill patients of pleural effusion on ventilator were excluded from study. Results: Maximum 29(58%) patients were in age group of 30-45 years, M:F= 2.3:1. Mean age was 37.34years and in range of 17-67years. More commonly presenting symptoms were pain in chest, fever and dyspnoea. Typical features of pleural effusion i.e. diminished movements, dull percussion note and absent breath sounds were observed in 40 (80%). Out of 50 cases 30 were exudative pleural effusion, and maximum 18 cases out of 30 were Tuberculosis as a cause for pleural effusion
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Gursimran Singh
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