Study of the Influence of Safety Factors by Performing Factor Analysis



Averages of 6,000 people die every day as a result of work-related accidents or diseases, totally more than 2.2 million work-related deaths per year. About 350,000 deaths out of this mortality are from workplace accidents and more than 1.7 million are from work related diseases. An effective safety analysis requires attention to human factors as well as system components which makes risky or safe situations in technical components. Paying attention to human factors, organizations with high reliability can recognize hazards before occurrence. One of the most important methods for achievement to this purpose is using leading criteria such as safety climate or safety culture. This is an study report on the study of the influence of safety factors by performing factor analysis at an electrical industry The questionnaire survey was conducted among 60 employees, involving employees from all levels of the organisation. The data collected was subjected to principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation using SPSS software. The results reveal that four distinct factors namely management commitment, worker knowledge, environmental safeness and validation together explains 56.6% of the total variance. Internal consistency (Cronbach Alpha) across items in each of the four factors and that of the total were found to be above 0.7 and thus acceptable.. The questionnaire contained 30 questions to measure the perceptions of the employees about the management practices. Descriptive statistics and correlations of the studied variables were first analyzed. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to verify the reliability of the management practices. Regression analysis was conducted to test the goodness of fit of the various models.

Authors and Affiliations

Abhijith Jacob , Jenson Joseph , Mahesh Rengaraj


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How To Cite

Abhijith Jacob, Jenson Joseph, Mahesh Rengaraj (2014). Study of the Influence of Safety Factors by Performing Factor Analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY, 9(6), 272-276.