Study of the Soviet artistic culture in the system of the West German sovietology (1945–1990)


The article envisages place and role of the Soviet cultural studies in the system of the West German Ostforschung in the period of 1945–1990. The paper concludes that attention towards the phenomena of the socialist culture of the USSR, particularly of the belles-lettres, was determined by the shortage of reliable sources about the development of the ideological opponent in the framework of the Cold War, intention to detect the hidden tendencies of the social-political development of the USSR, flourishing of the social history, cultural turn in humanities and social sciences and by the interest of the political elite and the wide circles of the FRG’s population towards the exotic Soviet culture. The article also thematizes institutional formation of the Soviet cultural studies, which was marked by the concentration of this research at the chairs of slavistics and East European history as well as at the specialized research organizations.

Authors and Affiliations

Виктория Анатольевна Андреева


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How To Cite

Виктория Анатольевна Андреева (2017). Study of the Soviet artistic culture in the system of the West German sovietology (1945–1990). Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. История, 0(1), 72-76.