Study of Timor Deer Behavior at the Exit Conservation Location of Cakura Village, Takalar Regency
Journal Title: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis - Year 2022, Vol 5, Issue 08
The study of the behavior of the Timor deer was carried out at an ex-situ conservation site in Cakura Village, Takalar Regency. This study aims to determine the daily activities of Timor deer which are conserved in semi-open captivity by applying the Talaparusi system, with the method of focal animal sampling. This research was conducted in May 2022. Observations were carried out for 14 days (2 weeks). The results of this study indicate that differences in the time period of the morning, afternoon and evening affect the duration of daily activities carried out by both male and female Timor deer. The activities observed included resting activities, ingesting activities, playing activities, grooming activities. Observations on the behavior of the Timor deer in captivity showed that the activities of the Timor deer were dominated by resting activities of 53.99%. Then, followed by eating or ingesting activities by 22.13%. Furthermore, playing activities are in third position with a percentage of 17.17%. The least activity carried out was self-cleaning or grooming by 6.69%. This study also describes the difference in the duration or time required for male Timor deer and female Timor deer in carrying out the observed activities.
Authors and Affiliations
Gunawan Rasyidi, Andi Ade Ulasaswini, Ketut Karno
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