Study on the opportunity of an IT business incubator in Alba County


The digital industry creates nowadays a digitalised global, high-tech economy, influencing our daily life, the way we work, study, take decisions, check our health, invest and make transactions, many times simplifying the processes and even lowering the expenses for the producers and for the buyers. Domains as health, education, industry, telecommunications, banks and finances, agriculture and environment, constructions and real estates, energy and many others are developed through digitalisation The investments all over the world in technology and innovation are huge. The IT field is in Romania among the most developed and appealing fields for the IT giants and for the entrepreneurs and they pay much attention to the protection of the investments through intellectual property - cloud computing, case studies, royalties, patents and inventions, design and registered marks. The year of 2018 bring to the business environment and also for the public sector the impact of the coming into force of the new general data protection rules - GDPR, which introduces new obligations related to the management, the use, the collection and the preservation of data. Still, IT is a field presenting development potential. Our paper represents a quantitative research based on an on-line questionnaire for the evaluation of the opportunity of an IT business incubator in Alba County.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Carmen Adina Pastiu, Andreea Cipriana Muntean, Silvia Maican


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How To Cite

Carmen Adina Pastiu, Andreea Cipriana Muntean, Silvia Maican (2018). Study on the opportunity of an IT business incubator in Alba County. Roczniki Ekonomiczne Kujawsko Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy, 0(11), 197-206.