Study on the Properties of Concrete Made with Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash under Acid and Alkaline Attack


Sugarcane bagasse is a sinewy waste result of the sugar refining industry. This item causes extreme ecological contamination, which calls for pressing methods for dealing with the waste. Bagasse powder chiefly contains aluminum particle silica, iron andcalcium oxides. The fiery debris in this manner turns into a modern waste and postures transfer issues. So few investigations have been accounted for that sugarcane bagasse fiery debris as great pozzolanic material in incomplete substitution of the bond. In this project, the objective is to study the influence of partial replacement of Portland cement with sugarcane bagasse ash in concrete subjected to different curing environments. Experimental investigation on acid resistance of concrete in mgso4 solution. The variable factors considered in this study were concrete grade of M35 and curing periods of 7days, 28days, 60days, 90days, 180days of the concrete specimens in 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 MgSO4 solution. Bagasse ash has been chemically and physically characterized and partially replaced in the ratio of 0 , 5 , 10 , 15 , and 20 by weight. Acidic assault on cement grants remarkable arrangement of harm systems and signs contrasted with other toughness issues of cement. Sulfuric corrosive assault restrains the administration life of solid components and, subsequently, results in expanded consumptions for the fix or at times substitution of the entire structure. To date, there is the absence of state sanctioned tests for explicitly assessing the obstruction of cement to sulfuric corrosive assault, which has caused extraordinary fluctuation, for instance as far as arrangement focus, pH level control, and so on., among past examinations here. Likewise, there is clashing information about the job of key constituents of cement for example valuable cementitious materials SCMs , and vulnerability about construction regulations stipulations for cement presented to sulfuric corrosive. Thus, the principal target of this theory was to survey the conduct of similar cement, arranged with single and mixed folios, to steady dimensions mellow, serious and extreme of sulfuric corrosive arrangements more than 36 weeks. The test factors incorporated the kind of bond general use GU or portland limestone concrete PLC and SCMs fly fiery remains, silica seethe and nano silica . The extreme 1 , pH of 1 and serious hostility 2.5 , pH of 0.5 stages caused mass loss all things considered, with the last stage giving clear qualification among the execution of solid blends. The outcomes demonstrated that the vulnerability of cement was not a controlling variable, under serious and extreme harm by sulfuric corrosive assault, while the concoction weakness of the folio was the prevailing component. Blends arranged from PLC performed superior to anything that of partners produced using GU. While the quaternary blends containing GU or PLC, fly fiery debris, silica smolder and nano silica demonstrated the most noteworthy mass misfortunes following 36 weeks, paired blends joining GU or PLC with fly cinder had the least mass misfortunes. Challa Hari Sravan | Mugipudi Manoj "Study on the Properties of Concrete Made with Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash under Acid and Alkaline Attack" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL: URL:

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  • EP ID EP628404
  • DOI 10.31142/ijtsrd26422
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How To Cite

(2019). Study on the Properties of Concrete Made with Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash under Acid and Alkaline Attack. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3(5), 677-681.