Study on the use of information weapons as an instrument of state power politics in public administration


Purpose. The paper purpose is to study the practice of using information weapons during internal conflicts and to develop recommendations to counteract attempts to destabilize the social and political system in the context of ensuring national security and preserving the national sovereignty of the country. Design/methodology/approach. The basic principles of the research are historical method, systematic and comparative methods, institutional and structural-functional approaches have been used. Findings. The article is devoted to the study of the practice of using information weapons during interstate conflicts and coups d'etat, using the example of genocide in Rwanda. The study suggests the definition of information weapons as an instrument of destabilizing influence on the state's social and political system and analyzes the consequences of its application, as well as their impact on the political and socio-economic system of the state as a whole. Certain methods of information and psychological influence on society, applied during the conflict in question, have been determined and analyzed. The introduction of increased individual criminal liability of those holding public information for the use of methods of information impact during intra-state conflicts, which entailed grave consequences, has been suggested. The relevance of the topic under research is conditioned by the need to improve the efficiency of the national security of the country and to develop an effective strategy of state response to attempts to destabilize the country's socio-political system, in particular through information and psychological impact. Research limitations/implications. As a conclusion, it is proved that the information weapon used during internal conflicts significantly burdens their consequences. Accordingly, the changes in the national legislation of countries with an unstable and potentially unstable political situation to increase the responsibility (including criminal) for the use of means, methods and technologies of information weapons against the population or its part on the basis of ethnic, racial, national, religious, linguistic and other differences are suggested. Originality/value. The paper studies the process of information and psychological impact in order to obtain political and economic advantages in the course of intra-state conflicts and analyses certain methods of information and psychological impact on society.

Authors and Affiliations

Oksana Onyshchenko


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  • EP ID EP436773
  • DOI 10.26661/2522-1566/2018-3/05-06
  • Views 99
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How To Cite

Oksana Onyshchenko (2018). Study on the use of information weapons as an instrument of state power politics in public administration. Менеджмент та підприємництво: тренди розвитку, 3(5), 50-59.