Study the Socio demographic and Maternal Variables Affecting Survival of VLBW Infants in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 6
In our study done as a prospective observational study over duration of 2 years consisted of all alive VLBW babies admit to our NICU and survived at discharge. 98 VLBW babies with an incidence rate of 0.9% were involved in study. Sociodemographic and maternal variables recorded in preformed proformas. In our study more than 90% of mothers with VLBW deliveries belonged to low socio-economic status. Maternal factors affecting survival of VLBW babies constituted Anemia during pregnancy (26%) was found to the most common association with VLBW. Multiple gestation membrane 21% was the second most common risk factor associated followed by Premature rupture of which is seen in 20%. The other significant risk factors were APH (8%), previous preterm (16%) and previous VLBW deliveries (14%). Keywords: VLBW, NICU, Survival, Sociodemographic, Maternal variables, Anemia during pregnancy
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