Studying the motivation requirement of the university students on the looking and training of education on rest platforms in the internet-environment

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 153


The article defines the conceptual foundations of the fundamentalization of professional training of future specialists in the field of information technologies on the basis of the laws of dialectics and philosophical categories. It is proved that natural-scientific, mathematical and philosophical laws and concepts are fundamental for computer disciplines in the hardware and software parts of computer. The principle of two-level continuous fundamentalization of professional training of future IT specialists is developed.

Authors and Affiliations

G. Rzhevsky


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  • EP ID EP494414
  • DOI 10.31174/SEND-PP2018-153VI63-11
  • Views 136
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How To Cite

G. Rzhevsky (2018). Studying the motivation requirement of the university students on the looking and training of education on rest platforms in the internet-environment. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(153), 49-53.