Even if it represents an important ceramic category, given the quantity of material discovered during archaeological excavations, as well as the chronological information they offer, lamps have not drawn enough the atten...
The Research Center of Antiquity of the South‐Eastern Europe of the University of Warsaw (Ośrodek Badan nad Antykiem Európy Południowo‐Wschodniej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego) has published quite recently the first two vol...
Our paper presents newly discovered Palaeolithic site(s) near the city of Rupea (Brașov County). The lithic pieces were found in the ploughed fields. The assemblage mainly features massive flakes knapped in siliceous san...
The data bank of chemical references for Eastern Greece of the Lyon lab of archaeometry includes results of XRF measurements of a collection of samples bearing the initials KAS, identified as those of terracotta figurine...
In this contribution the polished stone artefacts from the Neolithic settlement at Şoimuş – La Avicola (Ferma 2), Hunedoara County are analysed. These items belong to Turdaş facies and were discovered during rescue excav...
Roman lamps discovered at Histria, in the Acropolis Centre‐South Sector (2013 and 2015)
Even if it represents an important ceramic category, given the quantity of material discovered during archaeological excavations, as well as the chronological information they offer, lamps have not drawn enough the atten...
Review of Novae: Legionary Fortress and Late Antique Town – volume 1: A companion to the study of Novae: history of research; Novae in ancient sources, historical studies, geography, topography, and cartography, bibliography 1726–2008 / published by T. Derda, P. Dyczek, J. Kolendo, with contributions by R. Ciołek et alii, Warsaw, 2008, 375 p.; volume 2: R. Ciołek, P. Dyczek, Novae, Legionary Fortr
The Research Center of Antiquity of the South‐Eastern Europe of the University of Warsaw (Ośrodek Badan nad Antykiem Európy Południowo‐Wschodniej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego) has published quite recently the first two vol...
Recente descoperiri paleolitice în sud‐estul Transilvaniei: microzona Rupea – Homorod – Ungra, judeţul Braşov/ Recent Palaeolithic discoveries in southeastern Transylvania: Rupea – Homorod – Ungra micro‐area, Braşov County
Our paper presents newly discovered Palaeolithic site(s) near the city of Rupea (Brașov County). The lithic pieces were found in the ploughed fields. The assemblage mainly features massive flakes knapped in siliceous san...
Analyses archéométriques de figurines de Myrina : commentaire rétrospectif
The data bank of chemical references for Eastern Greece of the Lyon lab of archaeometry includes results of XRF measurements of a collection of samples bearing the initials KAS, identified as those of terracotta figurine...
The polished stone industry from Șoimuş – La Avicola (Ferma 2), Hunedoara County
In this contribution the polished stone artefacts from the Neolithic settlement at Şoimuş – La Avicola (Ferma 2), Hunedoara County are analysed. These items belong to Turdaş facies and were discovered during rescue excav...