Substantiation of competences and educational components when training managers on social responsibility for needs of the domestic pharmacy


Aim. To develop scientific and methodical approaches to formation of the educational and professional program (ЕРР) for training managers on social responsibility for needs of the pharmaceutical branch, one of the main characteristics of it is the social orientation of the activity of all subjects of the market relations. Materials and methods. The analysis, synthesis, empirical methods, method of control poll, and modeling method were used. Results. Proceeding from the results of the analysis conducted the need of the domestic pharmacy for particular professionals has been determined: pharmaceutical (medical) representative, regional manager, business coach, economist, accountant, HR-manager, logistician, project management manager, specialist in quality management, registration and standardization, process engineer, development manager, communications manager, public relations manager, key clients manager, brand manager and others. It has been found that a sufficient number of functional duties of the specified positions contains functions, which traditionally belong to duties of managers on social responsibility. It has been proven that modern pharmaceutical companies need specialists in management of the socially responsible activity. The list of professional competences of the manager on social responsibility has been created; based on it the obligatory and selective components of the educational and professional program “Management of Social Responsibility” have been determined; the curriculum for training specialists on social responsibility for needs of the pharmaceutical branch has been developed taking into account the current global trends. Conclusions. Introduction of the ЕРР developed in the activities of higher educational institutions (HEI) and the curriculum for training specialists on social responsibility will allow creating the basis for training specialists of this profile for needs of the domestic pharmacy.

Authors and Affiliations

Yu. S. Bratishko, O. V. Posylkina


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  • EP ID EP671054
  • DOI 10.24959/sphhcj.18.131
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How To Cite

Yu. S. Bratishko, O. V. Posylkina (2018). Substantiation of competences and educational components when training managers on social responsibility for needs of the domestic pharmacy. Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я, 4(4), 36-43.