Subtotal petrosectomy and cochlear implant in chronic otitis media
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 1
Chronic otitis media can lead to deafness and it is one of the indications for cochlear implantation. However the presence of chronic perforation or discharge from the ear requires specific management. We present two patients with bilateral deafness due to chronic otitis media in whom cochlear implantation and subtotal petrosectomy were carried out as a one stage procedure. One patient had a recurrent perforation of the drum despite repeated myringoplasties in different centers. The other patient had been operated 15 years before using open technique. We describe the technique and results of the procedure. The combination of subtotal petrosectomy and cochlear implantation in a one stage procedure offers a safe method of the disease eradication and cochlear implantation.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Szymański, Henryk Siwiec, Anna Szymańska, Kamal Morshed
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