Successful hemihepatectomy following chemotherapy for primary liver lymphoma: case report and review of literature

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Surgery - Year 2017, Vol 89, Issue 5


Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) comprise a heterogeneous group of B-cell and T-cell neoplasms. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), the most common type of NHL, accounts for around 30-40% of NHL cases. However, primary hepatic location of NHLs is rare and constitutes 0.01% of all NHL cases. Due to this rarity and a lack of large randomized trails, it is still unclear what treatment should be used for primary hepatic DLBCLs. In this study, we report of a female patient with primary hepatic DLBCL who was successfully treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery. We also shortly review the literature regarding surgical treatments for primary GI tract NHLs. Taking into account our experience and the current literature, surgical treatment with postoperative chemotherapy seems to be a feasible option for patients with focal primary hepatic DLBCLs.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Aleksander Skulimowski, Piotr Hogendorf, Grażyna Poznańska, Janusz Strzelczyk, Adam Durczynski


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  • EP ID EP231906
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0010.5609
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How To Cite

Aleksander Skulimowski, Piotr Hogendorf, Grażyna Poznańska, Janusz Strzelczyk, Adam Durczynski (2017). Successful hemihepatectomy following chemotherapy for primary liver lymphoma: case report and review of literature. Polish Journal of Surgery, 89(5), 54-58.