Sudah Ramah Anakkah Gereja? Implementasi Konvensi Hak Anak Untuk Mewujudkan Gereja Ramah Anak
Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue 1
Indonesia is one of the member states who has ratified the contents of the Convention of Children’s Rights (KHA), which means that the Indonesian government is responsible to carry it out. The church as a religious organization that is legalized by the government also participates in the monitoring and implementation of the KHA. The church in holistic ministry, stand with and defends the best interests of childrenwho are part of the KHA. The principles of KHA are: not to differentiate between children, give the best for children, Churchconsider the child’s right to life or the development of the child, and respect the child’s opinion. The church that applies the principles of KHA will embody a church that is child-friendly. The aim of this research is to know how far to implement the KHA principles in Christian education for the embodiment of a child-friendly church. In this research quantitative research and data analysis with rating scales were used. As for the place of research, the research was done in Gereja Kebangunan Kalam Allah Indonesia in Kendari South Sulawesi. The results of this research were that the KHA principles of do not differentiate between children, give the best for children and respect the child’s opinion were properly applied by the congregation. However the principles of consider the child’s right to life or the development of the child obtained an outcome that was less satisfactory, particularly the application of the understanding of child advocacy was weak because the implementation of information on the KHA within the church is not yet maximal. It is suggested especially that the defense of children in or out of the church must be more optimized. Gereja Kebangungan Kalam Allah Indonesia Kendari is on a good scale in implementing the principles of KHA so that it can be said that they are leading to child-friendly church.
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