Sudden Natural Deaths in Medicolegal Cases- An Autopsy Based Study
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 12
Objective: The investigation of sudden or unexpected death has got immense importance where the vital objective of the investigation is to exclude an unnatural cause of death. Method: Data of 50 cases of sudden unexpected death brought for medicolegal autopsy at J.L.N.M.C.H Bhagalpur in the year 2015 were studied and information were collected from the postmortem records. Data was entered in the proforma. The histopathological examination findings of relevant cases were studied. Results:Most of the sudden deaths were in the middle age group i.e. 31-50 years of age. Male predominates female among all sudden deaths with male: female ratio 1:0.178. Cardiovascular causes were the leading causes of death followed by respiratory causes among all sudden deaths. Death due to coronary artery disease amounts to almost half of all sudden deaths (42.85%). Conclusion: From the cases of natural disease brought for medicolegal autopsy it was found that majority of cases were due to cardiac causes. Males were most commonly affected. Sixth decade of age had most cases followed by fourth decade. Pancreatitis, steatohepatitis, rupture of cerebral aneurysm and ectopic pregnancy were rare causes of sudden death encountered in this study. It was observed that physical and mental injury can precipitate or accelerates death in myocardial infarction
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Yogesh Prasad Sah, Dr. Rajiv Ranjan, Dr. Sandeep Prasad lal
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