There is argued, that the culture of social- economic security has impact on the socio-economic development of state. It is formed at several levels of human interaction: with oneself, other people, work, environment, co...
Requirements for the visualization of dynamic scenes in security systems for are increasing in recent years. This requires develop a methods and tools for visualization of dynamic scenes for monitoring and managing the s...
W dobie wkraczania przedsiębiorstw w nową, jakość, której cechą staje się dominacja informacji, kapitału ludzkiego i kreatywności nad zasobami materialnymi coraz istotniejszą rolę zaczyna odgrywać narzędzie, jakim jest w...
In the article describe a short history of mutual relations Poles and Turks, their national identity and elements of cultural assimilation in the foreign environment related to their social and economic lives. Particular...
EP ID EP65281
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How To Cite
Grzegorz Skrzyński (2013). Sukcesy polityczne powstałe na skutek działalności służb specjalnych. Securitologia, 18(2),
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Poslanie polície v demokratickom štáte a v rámci globalizácie
Culture of socio-economic security of Ukraine: Challenges in XXIst Century
There is argued, that the culture of social- economic security has impact on the socio-economic development of state. It is formed at several levels of human interaction: with oneself, other people, work, environment, co...
Methods and means for building a system of visual images forming in gis of critical important objects protection
Requirements for the visualization of dynamic scenes in security systems for are increasing in recent years. This requires develop a methods and tools for visualization of dynamic scenes for monitoring and managing the s...
W dobie wkraczania przedsiębiorstw w nową, jakość, której cechą staje się dominacja informacji, kapitału ludzkiego i kreatywności nad zasobami materialnymi coraz istotniejszą rolę zaczyna odgrywać narzędzie, jakim jest w...
Identity and cultural assimilation of the Turks in exile
In the article describe a short history of mutual relations Poles and Turks, their national identity and elements of cultural assimilation in the foreign environment related to their social and economic lives. Particular...