Superolateral Anterior Hip Dislocation with Acetabular Fracture: Report of Three Cases and Review of Literature

Journal Title: Journal of Karnataka Orthopaedic Association - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 0


Anterior hip dislocation is less common than posterior and is classified as obturator (perineal), pubic, or iliac type. Type of dislocation is influenced by the position of lower limb at the time of injury and forces involved. Superolateral (iliac) type of anterior dislocation is extremely rare and often mistaken for posterior dislocation. Techniques for reducing an anterior dislocation vary with the type. Even though, in general, anterior dislocations have favorable outcome, the presence of associated acetabular injuries and timing of reduction after the injury can influence long-term outcome. Prompt and gentle maneuvers and avoiding repeated attempts at closed reduction further help to improve the prognosis.

Authors and Affiliations

Sandeep Vijayan, Monish Malhotra, Monappa V Naik, Sharath K Rao


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Sandeep Vijayan, Monish Malhotra, Monappa V Naik, Sharath K Rao (2019). Superolateral Anterior Hip Dislocation with Acetabular Fracture: Report of Three Cases and Review of Literature. Journal of Karnataka Orthopaedic Association, 0(0), -.