Supervisory Authority of the Ordinary Concerning Administration of Ecclesiastical Goods (can. 1276 § 1-2)
Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 2
This paper concerns the supervisory authority of the ordinary concerning ecclesiastical goods. The question which the Author poses is: What are Ordinary’s competences in relation to the administration of all the goods which belong to public juridical persons subject to him? The content of the study shows that the essence of supervisory authority is administration to ensure that abuses do not creep into ecclesiastical discipline. In this context, can. 392 §2 is a clarification of can. 1276 §1-2. The scope of the supervisory authority of the Ordinary relates mainly to: issue special instructions, within the limits of universal and particular law; issue relevant permissions of acts of extraordinary administration; intervene in case of negligence of administrator. The 1983 Code has determined two limits in performing the supervisory authority: the first concerns public juridical persons subject to the authority of the Ordinary. The second requirement is to observe legal titles which may give greater rights. For example the religious house of diocesan right. Canon law in regard to supervision, is the instrument of protection of ecclesiastical goods, in order to ensure that they are used in accordance with the objectives of ecclesiastical goods. The supervision right is to help undertake greater responsibility for ecclesiastical goods and to build greater confidence in the people who administer them.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Kaleta
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