Surface modification of TiO[sub]2[/sub] and SiO[sub]2[/sub] nanoparticles for application in polymeric nanocomposites
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 7
Surface modification of TiO[sub]2[/sub] and SiO[sub]2[/sub] (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) nanoparticles with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) in toluene and methylizobutylketone (MIBK) for TiO[sub]2[/sub], and with APTES in MIBK and oleic acid (OA) in n-hexane for SiO[sub]2[/sub] was performed. The IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to evaluate the effect of surface modification. The IR spectra of SiO[sub]2[/sub] nanoparticles revealed the presence of aminosilane groups after modification with APTES thus evidencing the reaction between modifying agent and nanoparticle surface. The IR spectra of SiO[sub]2[/sub] nanoparticles modified with OA in hexane revealed partial modification of hydrophilic nanoparticles while no evidence of surface modification for hydrophobic nanoparticles was noticed.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogusława Gradzik, Mirosława El Fray, Ewa Wiśniewska
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