Susceptibility of Humans of The ABO Blood Groups to P. falciparum infection Among Patients Attending Ahmadu Bello University Clinic (Sickbay), Samaru-Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 4
Abstract: The effects of patients’ blood groups, age and sex on the prevalence of malaria in the Ahmadu Bello University Clinic (Sickbay), Samaru-Zaria, Kaduna State were investigated. A total of 178 (24.5%) of 728 patients investigated had malaria infection. Prevalence of malaria was higher in females (32.0%) than in males (19.1%). Prevalence of malaria in children less than 10years old (44.4%) was higher than in older age groups. Patients with O blood group occur most in the clinic, but prevalence of malaria was highest among those with B blood group (35.3%) and lowest in those with O blood group (17.7%). There was significant association between ABO blood groups and malaria infection in the study area (P>0.05). The study confirms low malaria endemicity in the area, high malaria prevalence in children less than 10years and recommends ways to reduce infection in them. Keywords: Malaria, Prevalence, Susceptibility, Humans, ABO Blood Group, Patients, Plasmodium, Zaria.
Authors and Affiliations
Sule Hussein Aliu, Idachaba Stephen Onojo, Idoko Timothy
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