Sustainable Mobility Terminology: Towards Unification and Standardization

Journal Title: Quality Procedings - Year 2019, Vol 11, Issue


As the scientific and technical terminology plays one of the major roles in good-quality teaching and learning of languages for specific purposes (LSPs), this paper aims at providing a systematic insight into the problems encountered during the process of making a multilingual dictionary in the field of sustainable mobility, ICTs and sharing economy for Transport and Traffic Engineering (TTE) students. Terminological discrepancies and varieties, notional ambiguities, lack of unified and standardized specific terms in available relevant literature and other representative issues occurring in English, German, French and BCMS languages are presented and classified and solutions proposed in order to achieve a high-quality level of this and similar publications both from the standpoint of linguistics and technology.

Authors and Affiliations

Nina Ž. Polovina, Tanja D. Dinić


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How To Cite

Nina Ž. Polovina, Tanja D. Dinić (2019). Sustainable Mobility Terminology: Towards Unification and Standardization. Quality Procedings, 11(), 427-434.