
Розглянуто сутність понять «наукометрична база даних» та «індекс цитування наукових статей». Аналізується реферативна база даних наукових публікацій – Google Scholar, яка індексує наукові публікації. Описані основні вимоги, які здійснюють при реєстрації в реферативній базі. Вказуються функції, необхідні для подальшій роботі науковця у Google Scholar. Виявлені переваги та недоліки в реєстрації та користуванні розглянутого індексу цитування наукових статей. The authors of the article consider one of the international citation systems that indexes scientific publications (articles, books, monographs, etc.). The definition of the term "scientometric database" and "index of citation of scientific articles" is given and their significance in the work of a scientist is determined. It is noted that the important condition for the scientific activity of a scientist is the use of science-based databases and the results they submit to; this topic becomes the subject of study of many domestic researchers. Nowadays, in many countries, science-based indicators are already being used and taken into account when hiring in universities or other educational institutions, when choosing a publication, in which the research results should be placed and future trends in science identified. The abstract database of scientific publications - Google Scholar, which is used at Mariupol State University to determine the results of scientific researches of a scientist and the university as a whole is analysed. The Google Scholar search engine is based on the same rules as the Google search engine, but these are different databases. Through illustrations, all stages of registration and work in the international science-research database are explicitly considered by the authors of the article. It was found that after the registration, the user, in the search process, receives the results for links to magazines, books, dissertations and other documents that are free. The identified features allow you to register, personalize, search, export, alert, and more. The authors specify that the user can enter his library of bibliographic references. The detailed actions are described in relation to certain features in the user’s profile that allow him to register, to find articles as well as annotations to them, to request for the author or publication needed, to make changes on the page you are creating, to find citation statistics of posts that are added to the profile, to set notification, etc. It is noted that the user is given the opportunity to track links and popularity of publications of various languages and countries, using charts, indexes of publication, Hirsch index and h5-median. The advantages and disadvantages of registering and using the scholarly citation index in Google Scholar have been identified. This science-based database provides the best results of quoting, as many of them are in the patents, collections of conferences, books, periodicals, which were presented in the largest science-computer databases. The main advantage of a science-based database is that Google Scholar provides the user with automatically-calculated information in science-specific parameters: publication statistics, h-index, i10-index, or h5-median. Conclusions regarding the relevance of the database researched are made by the authors of the article.

Authors and Affiliations

Oksana Syvak, Valeria Bilousova


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How To Cite

Oksana Syvak, Valeria Bilousova (2017). СУТНІСТЬ, ПРОЦЕС РЕЄСТРАЦІЇ ТА ПЕРСОНАЛІЗАЦІЇ ІНДЕКСУ ЦИТУВАННЯ НАУКОВИХ СТАТЕЙ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(14), 154-164. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-434795