Сутність та особливості договірного представництва
Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2017, Vol 48, Issue 5
Розглянуто та проаналізовано правову природу договірного представництва шляхом дослідження поняття представництва, підстав його виникнення та сутності договірного представництва як такого, що дозволяє розширити розуміння про інститут представництва в цілому та договірне представництво, як різновид першого. Рассмотрена и проанализирована правовая природа договорного представительства путем исследования понятия представительства, оснований его возникновения и сущности договорного представительства как такового, что по-зволяет расширить понимание об институте представительства в целом и договорное представительство, как разновидность первого. Representation is an insufficiently investigated way of realizing civil legal relations that prevent the formation of the established practice of law enforcement on these issues because of the presence of gaps in understanding of the concept, legal nature and types of representation. A significant scope of the fundamental issues of legal regulation of representation has not been properly resolved in the normative practice and theoretical researches due to the lack of development of the doctrinal principles of the regulation of representation as a way to implement civil legal relations. This article should help to determine a place of such legal relations in the system of civil law, disclose their nature and criteria for distinguishing between the related legal structures and contribute to the stability of their legal regulation. Therefore, further scientific development of the general theoretical problems of contractual representation in civil law, its separate kinds, in particular, contractual representation, is a prerequisite for the introduction of better legal regulation of this method of implementation of civil legal relations. In this article, authors consider and analyze a nature of contractual representation by studying the concept of representation, the grounds for its arising and the essence of the contractual representation with a purpose to expand the understanding of the institution of representation in general and the contractual representation as a kind of the first. It is concluded that a contractual representation is a kind of representation, the legal relationship of which arises on the basis of contract or other act, based on the will of the person represented (the principal) and the person representing (the assignee), as well as the arrangement between them. A specific agreement on representation is a contract of the power of attorney which is the basis for the emergence of the relationship of voluntary representation, regardless of the form in which it is concluded, and not issued on the basis of power of attorney. While the power of attorney should be considered not as a basis for the establishment of representative relations, but as a written document addressed to the third parties, through which the authorized and simplified form of the authority of the representative is performed.
Authors and Affiliations
Х. В. Кметик, Л. Г. Такаджі
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