Symmetry of dental arches in patients with complete unilateral primary and secondary cleft palate

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2013, Vol 66, Issue 4


Introduction. Primary and secondary cleft palate may cause disturbances in the development of the maxilla in three spatial dimensions. Due to anatomical and functional connection of the maxillary and mandibular structures, anomalies within the maxillary dental arch caused by the cleft may affect inadequate formation of the mandibular dental arch leading to its asymmetry. Aim of the study. To analyse the symmetry of maxillary and mandibular dental arches in patients with complete unilateral primary and secondary cleft palate. Material and methods. Plaster models of dental arches obtained from 21 patients with complete unilateral primary and secondary cleft palate were used in the study. The negative overjet of 1 mm to 5 mm was diagnosed in all patients. The patients’ mean age was 10.6 years. The symmetry of dental arches was assessed separately in the maxilla and in the mandible, measuring the width and length of the arches on the cleft and non-cleft side. Results. The study demonstrated shortening of the maxillary segment on the cleft side on average by 0.4 mm, narrowing by 0.9 mm in the anterior segment and 0.1 mm on molars. The dental arch on the cleft side in the mandible was on average shortened by 0.6 mm and wider by 0.4 mm in the anterior segment and 0.6 mm in the posterior segment. The statistical analysis of correlation of the measurements in the mandible and in the maxilla on the cleft side showed a negative correlation of the posterior width and positive correlation of the total length of dental arches. Conclusion. In patients with complete unilateral primary and secondary cleft palate the disturbed morphology of maxillary dental arch caused statistically significant changes in mandibular dental arch morphology on the same side.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Herud, Agnieszka Borzęcka, Adam Skiba


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How To Cite

Anna Herud, Agnieszka Borzęcka, Adam Skiba (2013). Symmetry of dental arches in patients with complete unilateral primary and secondary cleft palate. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 66(4), 494-503.