Symptom Spectrum in First-Episode Psychosis
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 12
Abstract: The formation of the concept of ‘First-episode Psychosis’ dates back to 1983, when the term was first used to describe patients suffering from schizophreniform disorder who were followed till the development of schizophrenia. Though initially it referred to first-episode schizophrenia, gradually it stood as an independent diagnosis as the early intervention in psychosis services developed world-wide. Owing to the lack of consensus regarding the definition of the first-episode psychosis, various researchers operationalised the definitions for an individual study. This resulted in incomparability of the researches amongst themselves. However, the new label, often used in the early intervention services has been very useful to address the problem in its infancy, decreasing the possibility of more extensive psychological, social and biological damage in the early critical period of the illness. Still none of our classificatory systems have set the diagnosis criteria for first-episode psychosis due to lack of evidence based knowledge, which can be gathered step by step from such small researches. This particular observational study held in outpatient department of of psychiatry at post-graduate institute of behavioural and medical sciences used diagnostic tools like ICD 10 DCR, Present Status Examination and Brief psychiatric rating scale. SPSS version 16 calculated the percentage. Results show that majority of the patients of first-episode psychosis can be diagnosed as having schizophrenia(58.7%) as well as acute and transient psychotic disorders(32.7%). Most of them have positive symptoms like hallucinations, delusions and irrelevance in speech, which should be targeted as soon as elicited regardless of the diagnosis to improve the long-term outcome of the patients.
Authors and Affiliations
Patel Mukesh K, Patel Krishna G
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