Synthesis, Characterization and Phase Transition Studies on Some N-(4-Butyloxy Benzylidene)-4-Alkoxy Anilines, 4O.Om Compounds - A Dilatometric Study
Journal Title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS - Year 0, Vol 2, Issue 1
Dilatometric studies are carried out on the synthesized N-(4-butyloxy benzylidene)-4-alkoxy anilines, 4O.Om compounds with the m = 3 to 7 and 9. Characterization of these compounds is done using the polarizing microscope attached with a hot stage. The differential scanning calorimeter is employed to find out the transition temperatures as well as the heats of transitions. All the compounds exhibit nematic phase with varying thermal ranges with the clearing temperatures are above 100 OC as unlike the case of the well known N-(4-butyloxy benzylidene)-4-alkyl anilines, 4O.m compounds which exhibit rich poymorphysim and the clearing temperatures are well below 100 OC. As expected the isotropic to nematic transition exhibited first order nature and the results are discussed with the body of the data available in literature.
Authors and Affiliations
Venkata Pisipati, M. Saraswathi, D. Madhavi Latha, P. Pardhasaradhi, P. V. Datta Prasad
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