System analysis of the principles of court process

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 6


An attempt has been made to identify and systematize the principles of the administrative legal proceedings. For this purpose, domestic normative acts, as well as the practice of the European Court of Human Rights have been analyzed. Comprehensive, systematic analysis of the provisions of Article 2 Code of Administrative Proceedings allows us to conclude that: first, in comparison with the provisions of Art. 2 of the previous edition of the Code of Administrative Proceedings, the list of principles of administrative legal proceedings is somewhat extended. New principles introduced. Second. The basic principles of administrative legal proceedings, and therefore its principles, are not only the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 2, but also part 1, as well as part 2 of this article in a new statement of the Code of Administrative Proceedings. In addition to the principles of judicial activity, the implementation of the trial, organizational principles for the construction of the judicial system should be highlighted. They are contained in the article. 3 - "The System of the Judiciary of Ukraine" and 4 - "Legislation on the Judiciary and the Status of Judges". Proceeding from the mentioned organizational principles, the author argues that the proposals of some politicians regarding the change of the system of courts, in particular, regarding the creation of an anti-corruption court - contradict the aforementioned articles. The combination of these (normative, desirable) principles (system-forming features) of the trial can be interpreted as the quality of this process. The necessity of evaluating the formulated principles to the requirements of sufficiency is grounded in order to provide the necessary quality of the court process, management of its quality. It is proved that bringing the actual model (actual features) of the trial to the desired one is the management of this process, its quality. The bringing of the principles of domestic legal proceedings contained in the Law of Ukraine on the judicial system, in the procedural codes, Code of Administrative Proceedings - in accordance with international requirements, the principles of functioning of the European Court of Human Rights will allow to answer the questions concerning the completeness of the normative model of administrative legal proceedings, to improve it, to provide the necessary quality of court proceedings. An independent task is to ensure the implementation of normative principles of the court process, to create mechanisms for the implementation of the principles of the court process. Without these mechanisms, these principles will be declarative, "non-working". To create the appropriate mechanisms it is possible, firstly, to establish a specific legal responsibility of the court (judges) for violating (non-observance) of certain principles of the court process. Secondly, to recognize this kind of offense as a ground for recognizing the invalidity of a court decision, its appeal, etc. At the expense of ensuring the implementation of this or that principle (several principles) you can get a separate, local (social) effect. When constructing a normative model of an effective process one can rely on obtaining, in the process of implementing the relevant legal proceedings, not only the corresponding local positive effects, but also the total, synergistic effect. Identification, based on the application of the system approach, the requirements of necessity and adequacy, the principles of administrative legal proceedings of Ukraine, ensuring unambiguous understanding of their content as the main principles, can provide the (synergetic) effect. Prospects for further exploration in this area are the development of systematization of the principles of the court process in relation to administrative legal proceedings, as well as in the formulation of provisions for the construction of organizational mechanisms for ensuring the implementation of these principles.

Authors and Affiliations

Игорь Владимиренко, Igor Vladimirenko, Ігор Владимиренко


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How To Cite

Игорь Владимиренко, Igor Vladimirenko, Ігор Владимиренко (2017). System analysis of the principles of court process. Lex portus, 8(6), 27-37.