System approach to agricultural enterprises management
Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue
The purpose of the article is to increase the efficiency of agricultural enterprises management based on the use of a systematic approach to establishing the relationship between economic indicators of management. Research methodology. The research is based on an assumption that the causal relationship between economic indicators such as price of sold products unit, payment of labor employment, as well as full cost of production and volume of its realization, may be established using the appropriate nomogram, in which their graphic dependencies are sequentially reviewed and a certain transition from one metric to another is taken. Regardless the priority in changing these indicators, the cause and effect of changes will have a locked chain between these economic indicators. Research results. For certain conditions of the agricultural enterprise management, there’ve been established regularities in form of economic and mathematical functions that reflect changes in price and sales volume, the labor remuneration and price of the sales unit, its full cost and labor remuneration, sales volume and full cost of this product. There’ve been determined derivatives of the indicated economic and mathematical functions, which makes it possible to analyze the rate of change of the indicated economic indicators of production and sales of agricultural products. The effectiveness of using of the system approach in the agricultural enterprises management has been established on basis of comparison of two variants of enterprise management – with profit regulation and without it. Elements of scientific novelty. Scientific novelty lies in the systematic approach to establishing relationship between economic indicators of management that characterize the management system of agricultural enterprises. Practical significance. There’ve been proposed a nomogram of the economic activity of the agricultural enterprise, which enables to systematically analyze a change in its economic indicators, carry out targeted regulation, and significantly increase an efficiency of managerial decisions. Tabl.: 3. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 27.
Authors and Affiliations
Volodymyr Pavlyk
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