System zarządzania karierą pracowników jako istotny element strategii przedsiębiorstwa

Journal Title: Przedsiębiorstwo i region - Year 2013, Vol 0, Issue 5


Abstract: Career Management System is one of the essential elements of the strategy. In the era of knowledge economy human capital is particularly important when it comes to getting a company's competitiveness. Design at Career System is based on a number of correlated elements that the company more efficient and easier management of human resources, both from businesses and employees but management careers within the organization requires commitment on both sides. Companies now recognize the importance of this activity, but not all can adapt to the prevailing trends. The article presents the issues of career management as part of corporate strategy in the context of theory and practice. The topic has been developed based on the results of the research a career management system by a foreign company. This allowed to make observations on how many achievements of Polish scientists is universal.

Authors and Affiliations

Agata Pierscieniak, Liliana Gałka, Agnieszka Leśniak


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How To Cite

Agata Pierscieniak, Liliana Gałka, Agnieszka Leśniak (2013). System zarządzania karierą pracowników jako istotny element strategii przedsiębiorstwa. Przedsiębiorstwo i region, 0(5), 26-37.